Who Did What Good Thing for You and Did You Thank Them?


We've shared many intersecting tales of the human heart; here are 5 prompts for more stories! 


Here in the US Thanksgiving Day is a designated holiday. I am deeply thankful for you and each of you on this podcast journey of almost 4 years. Together we have shared so many intersecting tales of the human heart. 

Following are a few prompts to get you reflecting on just how fortunate you might be and whom you might thank because “Each One Lift One” is how we roll here. 

Who showed you unforgettable kindness or forgiveness?

Who kept you from making a big mistake?

Who reassured you when you were afraid?

Who taught you an important lesson by example?

Who inspired you by standing up for what is right. 

Who Did What Good Thing for You and Did You Thank Them? written by Diane F. Wyzga in association with Beauty & the Beast Publishing. Photo:  Gabrielle Audu on Unsplash.

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