When Did You Travel Through the Valley of Death?


When you felt like you had come to the end of the road who lifted you back up? Write that story!  

Be very careful what you ask for. Some years ago I asked for a clean slate. I got it. In the space of 9 months I lost my mom, my marriage and my law firm position. That experience was enough to snap me like a dried twig. And I stayed that way for a good long while.  

What changed? A friend of a friend heard that I was a storyteller. She needed a keynote speaker. We met for lunch. I felt I didn’t have it in me to be the keynoter she wanted. She saw something different. 

Here’s what she told me: “I understand that you’ve been walking around in the Valley of Death; but that stops now. Scripture says we are supposed to walk through the Valley of Death. Scripture says nothing about building a brick house, adding a little picket fence and a garden. Starting now you are walking through. I’ll meet you on the other side.” And the rest really is history. 

Story Prompt:

Think of a time when you felt like you had come to the end of the road seeing no future for yourself; but someone else did and lifted you back up. What happened next? Write that story!  

When Did You Travel Through the Valley of Death? written by Diane F. Wyzga in collaboration with Beauty & the Beast Publishing. Image: Image by Julien Cavandoli on Unsplash.

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