60 Seconds for Time Out Tuesday: What If You Had Nothing to Do But Walk?

Episode Summary:

Walking the Camino was mine; what single-minded purpose of yours guides you?  

Episode Notes: 

Now that I am revisiting the anniversary of my Camino de Santiago pilgrimage as I do every year at this time I’m reminded of the most difficult lesson. Letting go. Letting go of the way I was. Letting go of my old self. Giving myself over to the walking. 

It wasn’t easy! Get up in the dark, pack in the dark, head out in the dark. Walk 15 or 20 miles a day, no matter how cold or hot or wet. No matter how rocky or lonesome or tired. Nothing prepares you for walking Camino but to walk Camino. How do you do it?  

Here’s a tip

Surrender. Give yourself over. You are here now. Make the most of this experience. When you want to stomp around and make furious gestures, make the most of that. Make the most of your joys and complaints. Give voice to them all.

And then give yourself back to the only job you have: to walk. Every day since then my Camino lesson shows up like this: “Just walk it off, Diane!” 


What single-minded purpose of yours guides you along your way? 

60 Seconds for Time Out Tuesday: What If You Had Nothing to Do But Walk? written by Diane F. Wyzga in collaboration with Beauty & the Beast Publishing. Image: Diane F. Wyzga on Camino de Santiago.


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