What are you finally ready to trade by saying Yes! to walking the Hero’s Journey; and, if you could use a hand with your journey work, contact me.
Many people are under the impression that the Hero’s Journey made famous by Joseph Campbell is about an external journey to vanquish foes and return with some Truth.
In truth, the real journey is an internal one. The Hero is called to a task that is not at the surface of her being; rather, the task requires her to do what I have called for some 30 years now an “archaeological dig on oneself.” It’s serious stuff. No wonder the Hero resists.
We think we can remain emotionally safe by hiding our vulnerability. The problem is that as long as we resist the call (and I know well how I resisted the call to leave behind my Voiceless Victim self) we will never be able to live our Truth, never experience our Essence.
Yes, the Hero goes out on a quest; but that external journey is just the stage on which the story is played. Saying Yes! to the Hero’s Journey begins the inner journey work, the transformation that allows us to move out of our fear to courage, from being stuck in our old identity to living alive and awake, realizing our true potential, fulfilling our destiny, or experiencing our longed-for heart’s desire.
Story Prompt
What are you finally ready to trade by saying Yes! to walking the Hero’s Journey? Write that story!
Story Prompt Friday: What Might Happen When We Say Yes! to Walking the Hero’s Journey? written by Diane F. Wyzga in collaboration with Beauty & the Beast Publishing. Image: Maxime Horlaville on Unsplash.