It’s okay to wait

Has anyone told you that it’s okay to wait, has anyone sat you down in a comfy little chair and said, ‘I know you feel like things are not happening for you right now but have patience.  

Oh, how we glorify the speedy outcomes, the painless waiting. 

You get married before 25, hooray for you. 

You get up the career ladder before 30!! CONGRATULATIONS!! 

But no one congratulates the waiter, (I don’t mean the one at the restaurant) 

I’m talking about the one who spent all their life cultivating the art of patience, the one who had to perfect the craft of longsuffering. The reason is, we don’t see what happens behind the scenes of getting quick fixes or miracles. You don’t know if the person who married quick ignored their gut instinct and is driving 70 miles an hour into heartbreak lane. 

You don’t know if someone compromised their values to get where they want, so wait, your time will come, and it will come the right way. I understand that this kind of talk is making the ambitious part of you cringe, but hustle culture is killing this generation. Who laid down these rules, who said you must have it altogether at this age or this age, who has made us slaves of approval like this? 

God, forbid you rush into something and injure your heart in the process. I would hate for your moments of silence to be filled with nothing but regret. Please know that whatever you are going through now is temporary and that mastery is attained when you patiently and intentionally sit with things, there’s great joy in being a late bloomer, so wait, for as long as you need to, you’ll be rewarded for it. Pressure makes diamonds but if you don’t sit still enough to process the heat; the diamond won’t be made out of your pain and your struggle. Be patient.

About the Author

Raphael Tamakloe is a Freelance Content writer; an able seller with experience in the retail industry, who has a passion for religious youth work, narrative writing of all kinds and is a skilled communicator with a flair for leadership. Graduated with a Masters in Communication, Culture and Media from Coventry University. Image courtesy of Getty Images.


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