I emerged from human fetus
Where I acquire all required nutrients
For my growth and exuberance
Unlike that of cotton seeds
It eats up the required food within its contour to proceed
Finally it blasts to produce cotton with large quantity
Facilitating cotton yarn to cover human’s shame and surge with huge quantity!
Cotton fabric is essential for us
It saves us from nature’s torment by and large
It keeps us warm
Even helps soldiers to combat with amenable terms
It protects humanity from outrage of savage cacophony
Cotton is truly an insignia of harmony with unique symphony!
Cotton hugely dispensed on nature’s floor with its color white
But in black soil it only thrive
Black and white is a unique contrast
It reigns on nature’s floor with magnificence in aghast!
We human too in our social company
Hardly could envisage who is our friend and foe
We are forced to toe
Who are at the helm and glow
Thus we unknowingly beckon our own jeopardy
We fail to discriminate the distinct quality
And tend to subdue to formidable quantity
We fail to distinguish between seed and embryo
Where egg with its yoke construe a unique scenario
Seeds play the crucial role
For all creatures on nature’s floor to make hyperbole!
Seeds of love enable to glow
All creatures foment this trait to continue its flow
It enables all creatures to breed
Grow on nature’s floor with amazing symbiotic need
It declares with vigor
Freedom is its birth right in galore
Without the availability of cotton
We human may rotten
We alone can decipher the mystery
Of big bang and black hole with its intriguing chemistry
But we cannot rule out the impact of gravitation
It alone enables us to observe all enigmas on nature’s floor without trepidation!
About the Author
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