Welcome to 10 days of total anarchy, from behind the wall. This book puts the reader center stage of the shenanigans, brutality, mistreatment and systematic racism that takes place over a 10 day period of quarantine, narrated under the watchful eye of the insider. The excerpt is fast paced and based on real depictions of institutional incarceration, you won't be able to efface. Proceed with caution!
Beauty & the Beast Publishing is a Black independent publishing company based both in the U.K and U.S. Founders S. Lewis-Campbell and A.M Foster strongly feel their company has a social responsibility to publish writers from socially disadvantaged backgrounds providing them with a voice and opportunity as social beings. It is expected to motivate aspiring author’s creativity through independent works, using their writings as a general formula to demonstrate various aspects within society. Together, it is our moral duty to equate social equality.